Olivia… SMILE!
My sweet last newborn of 2015... Olivia <3 ...
1:1 Mentoring… new for 2016!
ONLINE PHOTOSHOP EDITING MENTOR with Tracy Joy Photography Private 1:1 Mentoring $550 Enjoy the whimsy and magic of learning to shoot, capture & edit your images with deep rich tones, lovely contrast, and colors that blossom & burst. I will share my secrets and show you a new "light" to your own photographic ...
Claire, 8 days old
Darling Claire, my last baby of 2015. And she was special one indeed... sharing my December 10th birthday! YAY! ...
Charlie… sweet sweet baby Charlotte
Max + Charlie = PERFECTION
Little boys make noise? Not this little guy! He was as sweet as a baby bunny, and as quiet as a mouse <3 ...
Abram + Greta
Violet + Chloe
Thanks to my amazing friends at Golden Photography & Stephanie Kelley Photography, for lending their helping hands with these tiny nuggets. LOVE WHAT I DO! buy cheapest viagra <3 ...
Baby… times 2
Sweet Bayla <3
Loved so much <3 ...
Mason… oh Mason, and his head of gorgeous hair!
6d old... with a mane of hair to make any grown man envious <3 ...