All during 2013, I did a project with myself… every month I would take a self portrait, seeing how I change & what ideas I challenge myself to. This wasn’t an easy feat… stepping outside my comfort zone, trying to be creative & not come up with a boring selfie… and no iphone shots in the bathroom for me! lol. Sometimes I took the shot myself, but most times I used a “human tripod”, lol… aka a friend to hold my camera and press the button for me (after I made the settings I wanted for the shot)… and of course, I did all my own post processing so I could interpret the image as I wanted.
So, here I share with you… my 12 months of me, Tracy Joy… today, on my birthday <3
It was so chilly out.. I wanted to create something to make me feel warm. So I used some warm post processing, and made it “glow”.
*thanks to my mama for snapping this one on her balcony*
I had some great little strands of pink in my hair, and I wanted to try to make them POP on the white snowy back ground. This was taken right outside our Palatine Studio.
*my wonderful photog partner Jamie shot this one*
I had my hair curly this day.. and actaully put on make up (surprise!)… so I played with a fun angle, and tried to concentrate on my eyes as the key feature for this shot.
*shot myself
This is one of my favorites… cuz baby, I WAS IN MEXICO! Cancun Mx for a friends wedding… and this image was shot on the brides balcony, looking out to the ocean.
*shot by the bride!*
This one is just me being goofy… as many of you know, I also own & head blog for PROP INSANITY.. so it was fitting that I posed as the “prop queen” lol.
*again, shot by Jamie
JUNE.. .1/2 way done!
This one was a project for me indeed. I wanted to challenge myself, and do something more artistic & dramatic. Jamie is wonderful at finding the right light.. so this image is really all Jamie. She set it up and shot for me… I wanted something dramatic with lighting, then a post processing in black & white. Needless to say, I think we got the shot!
*again, Jamie shot this one!
This is me… summer time glow, no make up… and lots of freckles! Here I wanted to capture me naturally… no fluff, and all summer time warmth! Sun in the background, and some great lens flare to boot!
*shot myself
one of my favorite things… my eyelashes have naturally thickened up (miraculously!)
one of my insecurities… my nose… its my least favorite facial part… yes yes, its not a horrible nose… but it’s mine, and I always wished it was short & dainty (like my sister, she has the cutest button nose ever! ) haha
*shot myself
totally outta my range, but SUPER FUN! this month is gratitude of my friend Charlotte Sharpe and her line of GORGEOUS Pinup/Burlesque head pieces… Black Cherry Pin-up Retro Style Accessories & Clothing . We did a lil “model session” at my studio to showcase her newest pieces… well, she modeled, and I Just pretended! haha
*shot by Charlotte
I was looking forward to this one.. I wanted something ‘weird’ for my favorite month…. And my fabulously artistic (and wildly wonky) friend Alicia Hortman Hartfield helped inspire me here… I think it might be my favorite (next to December).
*shot by myself…
I figured, something totally different for this 2nd to last month.. why not macro my face, pieces of me… untouched by portraiture & sans makeup (minus the left over on my lashes haha).
*shot by myself
I waited for this image, I knew what I wanted… lots and lots of SNOW! December is also my birthday month so I wanted something really fun & artsy fartisy.. and of course SNOW… and man, we had a GREAT snow the other day! Top it off with some extra snowy post processing from Jessica Drosin actions… and I had the shot I imagined.
*shot by my husband.. he’s a great human tripod!
This was a super fun & amazing challenge!
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it to any photographer, professional or hobbyist… or mom tog.
And I think for 2014…
I will continue my challenge, but with my children as my subject…
maybe I can even sucker Jamie into joining me this round!
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